Your Furry Friend Might Love Camping as Much as You Do

Dogs need some time away from the normalcy of life just as much as we do. Our best friends love and thrive in the outdoors going on hikes or even just hanging around the campsite. In this blog I will provide some helpful tips to think about if you're planning on bringing your dog with you on your camping trip as well as some tips to make your pet as comfortable as possible. 


Planning For Bringing Your Canine Companion on Your Camping Trip

Unfortunately, not all campsites are pet friendly. When planning your camping trip be sure to check and see if the site you are going to allows dogs. If they do allow pets, be sure to also check the rules you must follow when bringing your pup. 

When packing for your furry friend be sure to double check you have everything you need such as:

-Plenty of water, especially for those hot summer days




-Collar (With a tag with owners information and phone number)

-Harness (Be sure to use a harness especially on hikes as it is much more secure and comfortable for your dog).


-Plastic bags (To clean up after them)

-Dog bed to keep your pet comfortable


This is just my personal necessity list, but there are plenty of other optional things you could bring for your companion. 

Keeping Your Dog Having Fun and Comfortable

To be sure that your dog is having just as much fun on your trip as you are, you must make them as comfortable as possible. One of the most important things is to make sure they always have access to clean water. Dogs will get dehydrated especially out on hikes or playing in the sun, so be sure they always have a water bowl around with fresh water. 

Another thing to keep an eye on is wildlife and other campers dogs. Be sure that your dog isn’t bothering the wildlife or other campers and vice versa. It can become very dangerous if your dog starts engaging with wild animals. 

Lastly, be sure to always protect your pooch’s paws! Always have a first-aid kit on hand just in case they get any cuts on their paws. Also be mindful where they are walking as the ground surfaces can get very hot, especially on pavement. Maybe consider getting your dog some dog boots. An added bonus of dog boots is it can be hilarious to watch your pup to learn to walk in them! 



Our furry companions can make a camping trip that much more fun! Just be sure to plan ahead and make sure your puppy is comfortable and safe. Dogs want a getaway just as much as you do, and trust me they are going to have just as much fun as you are.

Outdoor AdVANtures™ is a Campervan Rental Company based in Denver, Colorado run by people that are passionate about the outdoors, just like you! We offer a fleet of late model, customized vans along with the highest quality outdoor gear designed to make your trip a memorable experience.